Thursday, September 23, 2010

~ September News ~

Upcoming Dates:
•10/6: Walk to School Day
•10/8: Unsatisfactory Progress Reports sent home
•10/11: Columbus Day – NO School
•10/19: Dr. Albert Roberts, Longfellow community chat – 7:00 p.m. (see details below)
•10/18 – 10/22: Fall Parent Teacher Conferences – Scheduling letters will be sent home within the next week

Water Bottles: It is strongly encouraged that students bring a water bottle from home to minimize distractions and keep focused on learning. On cooler mornings, they should dress in layers, because it can heat up on the third floor by afternoon.
Healthy Snacks: A light healthy snack may be brought into class every day.
School Supplies: If your child is still missing any school supplies, please check the list on the school’s website, click this link, or in the office if you do not have internet access available.
Take Home Folder/Assignment Books: Your child should be bringing home their assignment book and a take home (homework) folder everyday. Please check both for assignments, notes, and other information.
Digital Backpack: Access the school’s digital backpack, to get papers from the school and district. If you need paper copies, please let us know. You can simply go to the district’s website and access it that way. A letter came home about his last week from the superintendent.
Ice cream Fridays are back! (Send money in an envelope marked “PTO ice cream” with your child’s name on it. Ice cream is $1 or $2; students must have an account set up to buy ice cream.)
Flip Flops: are not allowed for the safety of the children.
Please join Superintendent Dr. Albert Roberts for a Longfellow community chat. This chat, scheduled to last approximately 90 minutes, will provide the staff, parents/guardians, and neighbors of Longfellow an opportunity to participate in an open, informal dialogue with Dr. Roberts about a variety of issues (district finances, integration of technology in the classroom, state of facilities, etc.) that impact their individual building or the district as a whole. The Longfellow community chat will take place on Tuesday, October 19 beginning at 7:00 pm. We will meet in the Longfellow Auditorium. Please be sure your neighbors know, even if they do not have children in the district.

Curriculum Notes:

Reading: This week the students have been reading the realistic fiction piece, “Toto,” which is our second story in our Risks and Consequences Unit. Students learned about game reserves, which were established in Africa to protect endangered species. One of the main comprehension skills we worked on was comparing and contrasting. In this story, like last week’s, both characters took risks in helping one another. Next week we will read an excerpt from Sarah, Plain and Tall, a historical fiction piece. Continue to talk to your child about the concept of risks and consequences.

Continuing next week, your child will be responsible for completing a reading log. The next reading log will be due Friday, October 1. Please ask your child more about this.

Writing: In writer’s workshop our authors have enjoyed collaborating ideas in the form of a class story. We have studied creative ideas, the organization of plot, and the need for descriptive details. The class voted on a topic and developed their story together. All authors have signed their name to the published piece, and the final copy will be found in their writing portfolio. It was a great opportunity for writers to share their ideas, and learn the value of compromising. Our next project will involve studying and creating our very own personal narratives.
Parents and family members are encouraged to participate in writer’s workshop at any time. Please contact Ms. Carter if you would like to join us. ** Please be on the lookout for an upcoming notice regarding a Scary Story Contest. It is an optional contest and published work is due Wednesday, October 6th.**

Math: This week we started Unit 2, Using Numbers and Organizing Data. Students will examine different uses of numbers and review the system we use to record numbers. Students will also review procedures for addition and subtraction of multidigit whole numbers. The unit concludes with lessons involving data collection, organization, display, and analysis.

Also check that your child is bringing home their Student Reference Book (SRB) every night. This book is a math text that provides definitions, examples, and details about all types of math terms and topics.

Science: We are continuing to work in the FOSS Magnetism and Electricity Module. In this module, students investigate permanent magnets, build circuits, and explore electromagnetism. You can increase your child’s understanding and interest in magnetism and electricity by asking him or her to talk about the investigations we are doing at school.

Homework: Homework is either work that is not finished in school or practice of material that was taught in class. If your child has a busy evening, and homework cannot be completed, remember that the Sunrise Study Hall is open every morning from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. in the media center. Passes are available at the front office. Students may also go to the media center at lunchtime to complete homework.

Contact Info: As communication is very important, please contact me with a note or an email if you have any questions, concerns, or information to share.

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